Rare Fir Honey on the Ship
We deal primarily in monofloral or single-source honeys, which means we take our hives to different areas in Greece, often at altitude, for a short period of time, where there is an abundance of Oak or Pine or Heather and very few other plants that are experiencing simultaneous nectar flow. This assures that the honey we then immediately extract is what we came for.
It sounds straightforward, but there are a million things that can go wrong, which makes it feel like a bit of a treasure hunt, which it is. As any treasure hunter does, we dream of the mother lode: not necessarily huge quantities, but of the rare and hard to find.
Fir honey is that rarity.
And this past season, Vasilis and the bees have managed to produce and extract enough that we can justify shipping it over to the States for bottling. From a secluded area on the southern tip of the mainland, this is some of the most wondrous Fir honey we’ve ever tasted, and 3rd party lab tests have backed up our taste buds, with numbers (percentage of fir; moisture; diastase; HMF; conductivity; etc) showing it to be in the highest ranges of Fir honeys. And like our other honeys, it is certified glyphosate free.
As I write this, it is on the ship, and will arrive within a few weeks. Unfortunately, it takes that long. But believe me when I say the wait will be worth it. Stay tuned for updates.